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By Harold Leggett, Secretary

The Jaguar Drivers Club, Area 51 was founded in 1984 by local Jaguar enthusiasts with a common interest in owning, maintaining, and driving the world’s most beautiful automobiles. The Jaguar Drivers’ Club of Great Britain (JDC UK) in response to a request for membership designated our Club as Area 51 of its enumerated clubs throughout the United Kingdom and the world.

The purpose of our club is to promote interest in the ownership, operation, maintenance, and preservation of Jaguar automobiles and to encourage the safe, careful, and skillful ownership of Jaguar automobiles. We act as a source of technical information, establish rules and regulations governing all activities of the Club, and always promote good sportsmanship. Membership is open to owners of Jaguar automobiles and to others interested in furthering the enjoyment of the Jaguar marque.

Benefits of Membership:

The club’s JDC51 CatScan, is published semi-monthly and distributed electronically to all members.

A 10% discount to all JDC51 members is extended on Jaguar parts and service by our sponsor Louisville Jaguar.

By being a member, you can participate in shows, drives, dinner meetings, and other exclusive tours and activities. Events are scheduled in advance throughout the year, with each being sponsored and arranged by a member or members.

Membership dues are $35 per year, which can be paid electronically upon joining.

The JDC51 CatScan is produced with articles of local interest, club news and events, and articles by members. Reproduction of articles is welcomed if proper credit is given.

Submit materials to the editor by e-mail in text, or in Microsoft Word .DOC or .DOCX files, with photos and diagrams in .JPG format. The CatScan newsletter editor is Cecelia Houser, email

Monthly meetings are nominally held at area restaurants on the first Wednesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00p with drinks and dinner, and there is a business meeting when warranted. Regular meetings are held every month excepting January, June, and December. Meetings are moved to the second Wednesday in May and July due to the Kentucky Derby and 4th of July celebrations.

On the first Saturday in June, the club holds its annual Jaguar Showcase and Lawn Party event in conjunction with Louisville's British Sports Car Club (BSCC) British Bash. In December we hold our traditional Annual Meeting and Christmas luncheon party with an election of officers scheduled every other year.